Page name: Domestic Violence Prevention [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-23 17:48:24
Last author: gypsy_soul
Owner: Neurotic Obsession
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Domestic Violence Prevention

This wiki is made in dedication to Corinne DeMachio. (1968-1998),and also to anyone who lost their life or been hurt because of domestic abuse.

What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic abuse, also known as spousal abuse, happens when one person in an intimate relationship or marriage tries to dominate and/or control the other person. An abuser doesn’t “play nice.” He or she uses fear, guilt, shame, and intimidation to wear their partner down and gain complete power over them. He or she may threaten them, hurt them, or hurt those around them. Domestic abuse that includes physical violence is called domestic violence.

Victims of domestic abuse or domestic violence can be men or women, although women are more commonly victimized. (Note: I will use the pronoun “he” for convenience only) This abuse happens among heterosexual couples and in same-sex partnerships. Except for the gender difference, domestic abuse doesn’t discriminate. It happens within all age ranges, ethnic backgrounds, and financial levels. The abuse may occur during a relationship, while the couple is breaking up, or after the relationship has ended.

Despite what many people believe, domestic violence is not due to the abuser’s loss of control over his behavior. In fact, violence is a deliberate choice made by the abuser in order to take control over his wife or partner.

This wiki has been designed to enlighten and teach. As one who witnessed these things, first hand, I know how difficult it is to understand a few key points.

Violent Behavior is an Abuser's Choice!

Reasons we know an abuser's behaviors are not about anger and rage:

* He does not batter other individuals - the boss who does not give him time off or the gas station attendant that spills gas down the side of his car. He waits until there are no witnesses and abuses the person he says he loves.
* If you ask an abused woman, "can he stop when the phone rings or the police come to the door?" She will say "yes". Most often when the police show up, he is looking calm, cool and collected and she is the one who may look hysterical. If he were truly "out of control" he would not be able to stop himself when it is to his advantage to do so.
* The abuser very often escalates from pushing and shoving to hitting in places where the bruises and marks will not show (Stomach, kidneys, back). If he were "out of control" or "in a rage" he would not be able to direct or limit where his kicks or punches land (face, legs, arms).


I can go into deeper detail, but that will just be too much to read. I'll just leave it at:

If you feel you are in physical danger immediately call 911 or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-787-3224.

Remember! Domestic abuse affects everyone. Not just the victim. If there are children, they will be affected greatly for it. Also, if you're a parent and your child comes to you with a problem about mommy or daddy hurting them or threatening them, listen to your child, and take the appropriate action!

If you wish to be one that someone can talk to, simply ask in the comments. I'll put your name up immediately. If you wish to add your own personal experience, I'll get to work making a wiki page just for that.

Here are some people on Elfpack willing to help you, give advice or just be there when you need someone to listen.

[Neurotic Obsession]
[Tis gone but never gone]

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: It should. I'm not the type to be hateful, but I do wish he would just leave elfpack and join fake or something.

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Wow.

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Ugh. Im off. Im tired of this.

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Ugh. Im off. Im tired of this. I need aloneness

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: See, I stopped arguing. But he's chasing me down.. like some sort of stray dog.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Please, continue [footer]. Tell me more. Vent it all out.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Why I did what? Be more constructive with your feedback.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Oh, so there's only one place out there for people to go to for help? I'm sorry, but I'm sure there's more than one. And if you want to get technical, you copied the idea of others. Not to mention you copy/pasted a website but it still looks like a bunch of verbal diarrhea because you have no idea what punctuation is and how to use it. Let's be honest, Matt, why are you so bitter? Is it because you're a very fake person and you're afraid you'll be found out?

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Chuckles* [Koiron] is far from female. But hey, let's ask the ladies you insulted because they wouldn't send naked pictures of themselves. And so what if girls tend to swarm around me more, every lady needs her gay friend to do their nails and to get advice from. Let's face it, Matt. You're so jealous of me. Because even though my life is far from perfect, I'm still above you on the maturity chart.

You don't seem to understand what is going on in the real world. But it's okay. The real world would destroy you in a flash. You know, we have more in common than you think. And it's a shame that you're just another human being going to waste.

2009-07-17 [footer]: thanks for making me self harm more

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Oh, poor muffin. Can't take the truth? You know, you're a very abusive person. You use guilt, shame, anything, just to get your way. It doesn't work with me. I'm a wrist banger. I know what damage self-harm does. I'm still on suicide watch. But tomorrow the chicken scratches will be all better and you can move on with your pathetic life.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: ..Are you coming on to me? I wasn't sure if that was an insult or a flirt.

If it was a flirt, I'm flattered, really, I am. But I don't have sex with mutts.

And if it was an insult, use punctuation. I can't stress that enough. It's only easy. Go back to kindergarten and learn it.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Go for it. I have nothing to prove to anyone.

2009-07-17 [footer]: i do, that your self minded and sexist. and should be thrown in the trash

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Yes, I definitely only think of myself. I am so selfish. And yes, I am very sexist. Women are only good in the bedroom or the kitchen. And men are only supposed to be working. My goodness, what has the world come to?

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Tell everyone you know what I'm like! And while you're at it, tell them I'm against black people and Jews!

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: Lawl, he deleted his stuffs.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: :O I was talking to myself the whole time! Spooky ghosties around.

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: Oh noes! Ghosties!!!

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *hides* Lawl, he's actually going around telling everyone that I'm sexist and racist XD

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: Oh my gods! You racist you!! *points finger in dissapointment* xD
OH NOES! *sees a mario ghost* GHOSTIE!!!

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: :O *Tackles Mario ghost*

Oh man, that reminded me of a teacher I had, he looked just like Mario, even wore the same clothes and had a mustache. And one day he put the date up: Mar.10... The whole class burst into laughter.

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: Lmfao
That's super rad xD I wish I were there.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: It was priceless. After that day he shaved off his mustache and wore different clothes, but the nickname stuck.

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Mew.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *huggles Destiny* Sorry that fight upset you. But it was amusing to say the least.

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: :]

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Huggles Zzyzx too* That's just because yer cute XD

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *hugs back* it's fine. It's just i have this habit of staying out of fights unless i have a piece of ground to hold, if that makes sense.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Make perfect sense. This fight is between him and I, no one else needs to concern themselves.

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: Aww yay group hug! *squishes everyone* ^__^

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Lolz. Hi [WonderTweek]

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Hits Zzyzx with Dora the Explorer inflatable hammer* I fixed your head^^

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: Hii [NyxianVanity]!
And my head was broken?! :O

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: May I join this wiki?

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Sure^^ And yes *nod* Yes it was.

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: XD fun.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: I like to hit things with this hammer just for the squeaky noise it makes.

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: I didn't know!! *Starts feeling my head and face* I think I found it! *pokes my nose* O.O

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: XD squeaky squeaky

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: *Keeps poking nose*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Bonks on nose with hammer* Squeaky!

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *bursts out laughing*

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: GAH! *stares at my nose*
Yay it fixed!

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Yay! *Does happy dance*

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: *Joins* WHEE!

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: hehe, I just had an inflatable hammer fight with [Dalmatar]... he's my RL brover^^

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: Haha that's super rad!
My RL bro won't get an Elfpack cause he's lame xD
Destiny! Join us! *grabs her hand and dances*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: yay!

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: :]

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Dances with inflatable hammer*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *dances crazily*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Gives everyone homemade cookies and puts on toast music*

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: Yay!

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: *Sings* I like toast!

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Toast music?!

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Zzyzx made the most awesomist song ever. *nod*

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: Lol I made a song about toast xD

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: :D

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: O.o

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Yay I got my firefox theme song again!

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: .> darn i wish i could follow that link.

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: xD

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: :P

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: I need a computer! V.V

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *huggles*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *huggles back* rawr!

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Gyar! I be a pirate! *ties hair around eye to make an eyepatch*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: XD fun.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *pokes you* Ye must walk der plank!

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: T.T nuu! *walks sadly to the plank then jumps off into a swan dive*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Joins you* GYAR! *Swims around*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *splashes you*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: :O *Splashes back* MWhahaah

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *laughs and dunks you, then swims away*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: :O *Swims after you*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *dives into an underwater cave*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: :O *Chases* Cave!

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *gets out of the water and runs and hides from you*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Explores the cave*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *covers my mouth to keep from giggling*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Looks at some cave paintings*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *goes deeper and finds symbols carved into a wall*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Walks towards you and looks at the symbols*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: O.o wonder who put these here.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: I don't know.. but I know what they mean..

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *raises an eyebrow* what is it?

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Gaze... upon... MY MILKY ASS! *Moons you quickly then takes off deeper in the cave*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: O.o xD *runs after you*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Laughs, trying to find a good hiding spot*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *slips on the wet floor and falls onto my back, laughing like a maniac*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Runs to you* You ok?

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *flails my arms around* yup!

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Helps you up, but slips as well* >.< *Bursts into laughter*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: XD *gets up unsteadily and helps you, bracing against a wall*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Gets up and looks down at the ground* XD

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: You alright? *still laughing*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Yeah, I'm fine *Chuckles*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *walks away from the slippery area using the wall to help*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Follows* We're going to have to be more careful in here.

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Yush.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Nods and explores some more*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: It's purty though.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: What? My bum? I know *nod* :P

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: XD not what i meant.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Riiight.. *Rolls eyes* Sure it's not. :P

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: XD

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Admit it, you liked it XD

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: I dunno. :p it nearly blinded me lolz.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: XD

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Xp

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Ugh.. it's raining so hard outside -.-

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: No likey rain?

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Lovey rain, but I'm not allowed to go out in it for risk of getting the flu.

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Aww.

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: But I have the window open so I can smell it^^

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Rain does smell nice. :D

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: I know.. I'm all, *SNIFF* and it's all, "I know.. I smell good"

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: XD xD

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Someone just got married.. in the rain... n00b

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Good way to ruin a honeymoon, sneezing all over each other...

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: XD Extra lube.. phlegm style!

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Oh ew! XD

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: XD

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Lolz

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: whats this all about?

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Oh hai^^ *Waves* This is just a wiki made to enlighten others on domestic abuse.

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: Oh? Really now?

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *nod*

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: hmm...neat. ^___^

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: ^^ thanks.

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: You're mightly welcome? Idk if that was proper english but it'll do! xDD

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]:  8D lalalalalalaaa

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: lalalalalalalalalala *Joins in*

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: NO! ><! *storms away*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: :O *Cries*

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: *tackel hugs* ITS OKAY!!!

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: :D So yeah, I was sitting in one of those massage chairs at the mall when suddenly it stuck me as sad... like a dog inventing a machine that would pet him -.-

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: o.o *sits on you and pets you* There there, its okay..

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: :D *Is happy puppy*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Mrew.

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: YAY! Puppy! *whacks you with a spork*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: ^^ Kitteh!

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: XD

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: kitteh!?!?

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Pet* *Pet*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: O.O I gotted wacked wif a spork? Whyforcome?

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *purrs*

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: *barks*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: O.o

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Makes conch noise*

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: *makes a giraffe noise*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: Cookie?

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: WHERE?

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: COOKIE!!!!

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: On your head.

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: OMG! *reaches up and takes the cookie* YUM! *nom*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: I WANT IT! *Tackles Fuse*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: OoO

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: NO! *shuves it in my mouth whole* *muffled* Muahaha!

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Pokes hand in her mouth* IS MINE!!!!

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *eats ramen* o.O

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: *bites your hand* !!!

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Yelps and moves hand away*

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: Muahaha!^^ Hey! whered my cookie go?

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: Mwhahahaha!

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: *cries*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Breaks drooly cookie in half and gives you half*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *throws a bag of cookies to ralfie and one to fuse natiion*

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: :D Yay! *Noms cookies*

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: *hears timmer go off* YAY! Pizza *hurries into kitchen*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: ^-^

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: YAY!! Cookie *noms on the slobberey cookie and hides the bag in my secret stash*

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: OmG! *points at a bowl*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: I want tacos!

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: My Pudding! *eats pudding* Hmmm.. weird, i dont remember raisins in this pudding..*nom nom* and why is vinalla brown?? *nom* Oh! Look!! The raisins are moving!! YAY!!! *noom nom nom* ^__^ I love pudding

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: want some? *pushes bowl toward flower*

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: I ish on a diet. V.V *noms grapes*

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: OOhh.. okies.. *grabes a grape and puts it in the pudding* here ya go!

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: XD *puts my face in the bowl and pulls it out, licking pudding off meh face* nummy.

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: mmm ^^ Dontcha love how the raisons squirm down your throat!??!

2009-07-17 [NyxianVanity]: *burps* interesting!

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: OMG!! Those arent raisons! Theyre roaches!!

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: Hmm ^^ even better

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Rolls around on the floor*

2009-07-17 @Not logged in user@: *trips over raphael*

2009-07-17 @Not logged in user@: You can still type in wikis as a not logged in user???!!

2009-07-17 [fu**(fuse)]: how cool?!?!

2009-07-17 [gypsy_soul]: *pokes everyone* HI!!

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: :P Yeah I know^^ *Pokes Lauren* HAI

2009-07-17 [WonderTweek]: *pokes everyone some more* YAY!!!

2009-07-17 [Neurotic Obsession]: HAI YOU!

2009-07-18 [WonderTweek]: OH HAI! *glomps*

2009-07-18 [Neurotic Obsession]: <3

2009-07-18 [gypsy_soul]: hahaha i got poked

2009-07-18 [Neurotic Obsession]: lol

2009-07-18 [gypsy_soul]: *shivers* its cold in michigan

2009-07-18 [Neurotic Obsession]: <img:> XD

2009-07-18 [gypsy_soul]: hhaha nice

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